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Home > Colposcopy


Colposcopy is an examination of the cervix (the neck of the womb) using a specially designed microscope (colposcope). When you have such conditions mention below then need to do colposcopy.

An abnormal smear

  • Bleeding after intercourse
  • An identified abnormality on the cervix
  • Persistent vaginal discharge
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Transplant patients or those with HIV

Repeated vaginal discharge and infection need to do Papsmear and in case of abnormal smear need to do colposcopy

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Why do I need Colposcopy ?

One in twelve smear tests are abnormal and this usually means that small changes have been found in the cells of your cervix. These act as an early warning sign.

Colposcopy can be done safely during pregnancy, although treatment is usually left until after delivery. You will be asked to lie on a gynaecological examination couch with your legs in supports. When you are positioned correctly a speculum will be the cervix will then be examined using the colposcopes are placed outside the vagina and it works from a distance and not enter in the vagina so not to scared. . Special dyes are often applied to the cervix during the examination. It is sometimes necessary to take a small sample of tissue (a biopsy) from the surface of the cervix.

In case of abnormal findings on colposcopy needs to do Human papilloma virus testing (HPV testing) and the grades of HPV type to know to decide the treatment and follow-up.

HPV Vaccines are available as a 3 doses monthly to protect all sorts of infections and to develop precancerous and cancerous lesions.

Colposcopy is the choice to detect such lesions in case of suspicious or symptomatic Colposcopy treatment has no major side-effects.

The colposcopy shows the type and extent of an abnormal area on the cervix.

The biopsy will show the severity as well as the type.

CIN 1 is when a third of the cells in the affected area are abnormal; CIN 2 is when two thirds are abnormal; and CIN 3 is when they are all abnormal. CIN I usually go on its own and do not need treatment.

We are pleased to offer you the chance to have the healthy


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